Affectus Alba is available in different variants
Enterprise Server
Enterprise Server
• For the customer who install the system in their own IT environment, like virtual server in-house, usually together with database hotel like MS SQL or Oracle
• Backups are made by their own routine.
• The system fits in their “every day” IT maintenance process.
• Highly integratable with other systems
• Highly flexible and scalable
Appliance Server
Appliance Server
• Rack mounted server hardware
• Delivered with everything pre-installed
• Just plug it in to the network
• Clear interface between alba and customer
• Limit to smaller amount of meters
• Less scalable
• Easy to replace and manage
• Database, backup and so on is built in.
• Usage with decentralised och centralised systems
IoT Server
IoT Server
• Compact and powerful IoT Server, that is a complete Alba in a small package
• Usage for one or very few meters
• Often combined with other Alba product i.e. Cloud Service
• Pre installed
• Usually used as between systems in order to integrate meter in other systems
• Also used as “Stand alone” product
Cloud Server
Cloud Server
• Used in decentralized systems, when data sources are spread geographically or lack of network on site
• Fully functional alba with all features
• Highly secure with encryption
• Usually combined with Alba IoT
• Accessible everywhere
• Software is always up to date