Affectus successfully tests Alba system in Malaysia
By Anandam Sanyal

Anandam Sanyal, Marketing & Sales specialist in charge of Business Expansion for Affectus AB in South East Asia.
Affectus AB, Sweden, has been working tirelessly in South Asia over the past few years, helping the industrial, transmission, and renewable ecosystems to achieve sustainability and circular economy goals.
It has conducted extensive market research to reach various sectors in South Asia. As part of the BAPSEA program, undertaken by the Swedish Energy Agency, Affectus successfully installed its test system in a glove manufacturing factory in Tai Ping, Malaysia.
The management, being satisfied, has agreed to a pilot installation in order to gather real-time data and derive insights from data analysis. This will help them reduce energy consumption and potentially increase productivity.
Affectus looks forward to installing such systems in every factory in Malaysia and beyond, as it aspires to be part of the change toward making the world a better place!
Alleima Utökar Affectus Alba-Installation med Nya Portaler för Energimätning och Mediamätning på Fabrikssajten i Sandviken
Av Peter Almström

Peter Almström, grundare av Affectus AB
Vi på Affectus är stolta att meddela att vår kund Alleima, som nyligen brutits ut från Sandvik och tidigare var affärsområdet Sandvik Materials Technology, nu utökar sin installation av Affectus Alba på fabrikssajten i Sandviken. Denna expansion innebär att nya portaler kommer att implementeras för samtliga bolag på sajten, med särskilt fokus på avancerad energimätning och mediamätning.
Alleima, en global ledare inom avancerade rostfria stål och speciallegeringar, är nu en självständig aktör med fokus på innovation och hållbarhet. Som en ledande tillverkare av högteknologiska material spelar Alleima en nyckelroll i många industrisektorer, inklusive energi, medicin, och flygindustrin. Deras engagemang för kvalitet och teknik gör dem till en pålitlig partner för kunder över hela världen.
Som en del av sin pågående strävan efter ökad effektivitet och hållbarhet, har Alleima valt Affectus Alba som plattform för att hantera och optimera energianvändning och mediamätning på fabrikssajten i Sandviken. Genom de nya portalerna kan Alleima få ännu bättre insikt i energianvändningen, vilket gör det möjligt att identifiera optimeringsmöjligheter och minska energiförbrukningen. Dessutom ger mediamätningarna en fördjupad förståelse för andra viktiga produktionsparametrar, vilket bidrar till en ännu mer resurseffektiv verksamhet.
Vi på Affectus är glada över att få fortsätta stödja Alleima i deras digitala omvandling och ser fram emot att bidra till deras fortsatta framgångar som ett självständigt företag. kontakta oss för mer information om hur Affectus Alba kan hjälpa ditt företag att optimera energihantering och resursanvändning.
Affectus Solutions:
Package of TRUST!!!
By Anandam Sanyal

Anandam Sanyal, Marketing & Sales specialist in charge of Business Expansion for Affectus AB in South East Asia.
The most important characteristic that any organisation must achieve and be proud of is: TRUST. It is not an easy task for any company to keep on delivering its commitment towards excellence as well as to upgrade its system to keep pace with modern advancement in technology that is evolving by the day! Affectus has been able to achieve this extraordinary feat before and continues to do so in present times providing its clients with best of experience!!
Affectus AB recently upgraded a system which had been installed in one of the biggest Packaging Industry giants in Sweden having a production of over several million tonnes of packaging materials. The organisation had installed the system designed by Affectus back in 2012.The primary objective of the organisation is to provide the world with sustainable options that will help to achieve success in the field of non-polluting environmental packaging.
This premier organization with its production unit in Sweden, decided to trust Affectus systems for monitoring their energy use and efficiency measures back in 2012.
The organization was satisfied with the performance of Affectus Alba, continued to be our patron year after year. The commitment and delivery bond was further strengthened and scaled up when they decided to upgrade their existing system of energy management as a partner of sustainable future.
Recently they upgraded and installed AFFECTUS ALBA IoT system. Affectus Team is very happy and is committed to provide best of service tour patrons. Hence the name:
Footprints in Asia
By Anandam Sanyal

Anandam Sanyal, Marketing & Sales specialist in charge of Business Expansion for Affectus AB in South East Asia.
Affectus has conducted successfully tests in one of the remote islands in Bay of Bengal. With the vision of creating the smart environment for system the Affectus team led by Peter Almström along with Johan Hedgren from Sweden and Anandam Sanyal of India conducted almost a year long survey, observations and assessment of the conditions of the remote islands in the Bay of Bengal!
With the sensational increase in need to eradicate the use of fossil fuel it becomes more important to quantify, assess and manage the relevant situation every moment of how things are operating! The normal tendency to install system is always there but post that in order to keep the system running you need to get facts on the table! Affectus does this job for optimising the output!
Beginning with collecting the data for the purpose of getting the load profile and peak demand of a village before installing solar PV and at the same time evaluate communication under really bad conditions.
The generators currently feeding the village are only run at night which means the equipment is shut off during daytime. There is no 3G available and 2G/GPRS is really bad if working at all. Still we are able to get the data from the ABB meter and the load profile is updated for online access from wherever you are.
Connect with us for improvement and innovation!
Participation in India
Smart Grid Week
By Anandam Sanyal

Anandam Sanyal, Marketing & Sales specialist in charge of Business Expansion for Affectus AB in South East Asia.
Affectus AB participated in the India Smart Grid Week held in New Delhi at the prestigious Maneckshaw Centre! It is one of the most prestigious events in the spectrum of Renewable Energy! The dignitaties from different countries were present on the occsasion! Mr Reji Pillai; the president of the ISGF initiated the start of the occasion! Mr Harald Sandberg; Ambassador of Sweden to India was present & inaugurated the Swedish pavilion!
Affectus AB with the determination of playing an active part in making the Green World was an integral part of the Pavilion was represented by Anandam Sanyal; in charge of the emerging markets of India & South East Asia!! Along with the renowned companies like ABB; Ericsson; Metrum; Teroc etc!
There were discussions based on the concept of Renewable energy and its’ use! The probable application to the various sectors & sections of industries where power is a determinant factor for instance E- mobility; Solar Power use; Smart Metering! We discussed with all the exhibitors our system related to data; measurement systems; Smart metering integration with existing etc etc! We were delighted to know that the concept of using Affectus systems was accepted by one & all!
Smartness is nothing but when an idea is implemented & sustainability is when the idea performs constatntly with the scope of innovation!! Affectus is catering the smartest brains to think smarter and optimizing the Sustainability to the sensational ideas!!